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Expert Arborist, 
Exceptional Care.

your trusted source to protect your trees and beautify your property

cutting tree with chainsaw

You may be concerned about hazardous trees, the health of your plants, property value, or aesthetic maintenance.  


Untrained or poor care of your trees can cause property damage, injury, and damage to your landscape.


This is why you need a trusted Arborist to advise you on the best care and practices for your unique property. We will show you the best ways you can ensure your property is safe, preserve its beauty, and increase your property value


Certified Professionals

Customized Tree Care Plans

Safety & Risk Management

Luxury Property Specialist

Choosing The Right Certified Arborist Matters

Your Landscape & Property Matter

Precision Tree NC is dedicated to providing exceptional customized service, where your tree care needs are our top priority! With years of experience and a passion for preserving the beauty and health of your landscape, we offer comprehensive tree care services tailored to meet your specific needs. Whether you're looking to enhance the health of your trees, safely remove a hazardous tree, or maintain the natural beauty of your property, our certified arborists are here to help. Explore our range of services below and discover how we can keep your outdoor spaces safe, healthy, and vibrant.

"Matt is a dedicated and knowledgeable arborist. His work is outstanding and his team not only respects homeowner property, but is, in fact, the neatest and most well-organized tree service I have ever worked with. I recommend Precision highly - they are superlative."

Jean M.

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